We have helped many users with their document redaction needs across many industries. One thing became very obvious very quickly. No two users (even those in the same industry!) have the same document redaction needs. The types and formats of documents vary widely, as well as the types of information that needs redacted.
Our proven customer engagement process for helping customers evaluate Philter and Phirestream is described below. This process is available at no cost. We have created and refined this process to help customers make informed decisions about Philter and Phirestream and to streamline the evaluation process.
We are always an email or a phone call away during the process! To get started get in touch.
Step One — Document Sharing
As the first step in our customer engagement process we ask you to share with us documents representative of those you would like redacted. We will process the documents in line with your redaction needs and provide you with the redacted documents for your review.
If you have sample documents that already do not contain any PII, PHI, or other sensitive information those documents are ideal. However, if you do not have any sample documents we are prepared to receive documents subject to industry regulations such as HIPAA and PCI-DSS. We will provide details on how to share your documents with us in a secure and encrypted manner. We store your documents with the highest level of security and only for the minimum time required to process the files. We will sign an NDA or BAA if required.
Step Two — Sample Document Redaction
Once we receive from you your documents and your redaction requirements we will begin work to redact the files with Philter. This involves creating an instance of Philter in an isolated compute environment just for your documents. We do this to ensure maximum security of your documents. We will configure Philter and begin to redact your provide documents.
This step usually takes one to three working days based on the number of sample documents and the complexity of the redaction requirements.
Step Three — Collaborative Review of Redacted Documents
We will share with you the redacted documents for your review. We will schedule a phone call or provide in an email a detailed overview of how Philter operated, answer any questions you may have, and provide the Philter configuration we used for the redaction. At this point our goal is for you to have a sufficient understanding of Philter and its capabilities as it relates to your documents.